6 Step Booklet

The Job

For this project, we were instructed to teach a chosen activity or skill through a 6 step brochure. The purpose of this project was to provide a foldable guide that is easy to navigate yet, compelling enough to engage readers into participating.

Design Statement

I went with how to set up a Day of the Dead Altar, as this is a yearly tradition in my family. As this is an activity that has a lot of small important details, I needed to figure out how to summarize the steps into simple form that not only get the point across quickly, but also engages readers to continue reading.

My Process

I began by writing down the exact steps of setting up a Day of the Dead Altar by focusing on the important aspects that make up its composition and meaning. Once I summarized the steps, I started to brainstorm on graphic elements that would capture the detail of the altar. I decided to incorporate photographs and simplified shapes to balance the overall appeal of the layout.

The final design is shaped as the 3 levels of an altar: Heaven, Earth, and the Underworld. Its design elements incorporate illustrated attributes in combination with photographs that highlight the details of a traditional altar. The color pallete is bright and full of color on a black background .


Triptych Posters


Poetry Broadside